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    Original Ideas!

    Writer: Charlie BrownCharlie Brown

    Austin Kleon's book Steal Like An Artist, gives some tips on being creative.

    “If we’re free from the burden of trying to be completely original, we can stop trying to make something out of nothing, and we can embrace influence instead of running from it.”

    It takes brainstorming and creative ideas to perfect your path to success. And you must always be improving.

    Recently my wife found my first old, worn-out yellowed book on motivation and inspiration. It was written way back in1936, by Dale Carnegie, "How To Win Friends and Influence People". As I flipped through the pages I realized how many of my mentors were inspired and have adapted the principles of this book, as their own.

    When I pass on valuable tips, I like to give credit where credit is due. But honestly I hear so much it's sometimes difficult to remember who said it first.

    Someone helped me with that fear of plagiarism by telling me: "If you copy from one person it's plagiarism . . . two or more it's research." I'm not sure that would hold up in court. So I'll go with an acronym I ripped off from another friend. P.D.E. -- Proudly Discovered Elsewhere.

    You'd better watch out - If you steal a saying from me, you are stealing twice!

    "Original" always has room for improvement and it is certainly my intention to help you become the success you want to be.

    Like I always say:


    ​Please pray for Israel's leaders and that God would give them wisdom in dealing with the threats they face along their borders and beyond.

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