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Writer's pictureCharlie Brown

Life's Knots

As you get rid of the small problems

you realize the big ones become small too!

When I was a little boy learning to tie my shoes, it seemed like the more I kept trying, the more knotted the laces would get. The more frustrated I became, the tighter I pulled against the knot. The tighter I pulled against the knot, the worse the situation became. I soon learned the looser that I could keep the string, the easier it was to figure out how to untangle the knots.

The same thing applies to problems and situations that we face everyday in life.

Our problems become like knots in our life. The harder we tug, the more difficult they become.  Losing our temper, making thoughtless decisions or having knee-jerk reactions could be causing some major knots in your life! The more you keep tugging them, the tighter they become, making them harder to untangle.

How do you avoid or remove the knots you've created in your life?

Start by removing the knots created over the years in relationships . When we forgive someone the knots are untied and the past is released.

  • Never make decisions when you are stressed.

  • Take a little extra time and step back from the problem.

  • Communicate with others, because many knots are untangled in a simple conversation.

  • Meet people where they are. They may be coming from a different place than you.

  • Show compassion and unconditional love.

If we concentrate on looking at the knots on the backside of the tapestry, we might fail to appreciate the beauty of the tapestry from the front.



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