A very talented young man finished his first piano recital to a standing ovation. He walked off the stage in tears. Someone asked him why he was so sad after getting a standing ovation from over 500 hundred people"! The boy replied "Everyone but that one man sitting in the front row who did not stand. And that was my teacher.
Are we all just going through life trying to impress "the crowd, our friends or complete strangers, or are we honoring the only One who really matters? God, our creator, is also our teacher.
He polishes our talents and capabilities and knows when we settle for 'good enough'. Is your performance just good enough for the crowd, or do you consistently try to do your very best to please God? If you know you are capable of doing better, you should.
Because someone else will!
I'll admit, in this day and age, it is usually way easier to just go along following "the crowd".
But stand firm in your convictions: Make sure your moral compass lines up with God's expectations.
Or you may walk away from the concert in tears!