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Writer's pictureCharlie Brown


Enthusiasm is contagious!

The word enthusiasm is derived from the Greek words with the literal meaning of having God within or being one with God. Maybe that's why enthusiastic people are often joyful!

People with this gift carry a special kind of energy. They bring warmth and feeling to their relationships and vigor and freshness to their activities. I think that's why we all like being around enthusiastic people.

There are two kinds of people:

  • Those who let circumstances influence their enthusiasm.

  • Those who let enthusiasm influence their circumstances.

Enthusiasm creates passion which can be the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. It is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. 

People often ask me: "How can I become enthusiastic?"

Dale Carnegie said, You have to act enthusiastic BEFORE you can become enthusiastic!

In the business world, knowledge is power. But enthusiasm pulls the switch.

  • Enthusiasm is a spark plug. Your enthusiasm can motivate others. Your enthusiasm can bring vitality into a situation or into someone else's life.

  • Enthusiastic people act. They don’t sit on the sidelines. They are unfazed by the judgment of others, by the difficulty of the situation, or by the challenge of the moment. They carry the situation by acting, by doing, by moving.

  • Enthusiasm inspires creativity. No matter how many times an enthusiastic person fails, if they fail with the same spirit never giving up on the idea , they will find a way!

None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.    -Thoreau

One enthusiastic person

-can change a meeting.

-can change a viewpoint

-can change an attitude.

-can change an outcome.

-can change a life! . . . . .maybe even their own!



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