A young boy told his dad that he had studied the 23rd Psalm and the Beatitudes, but he knew he didn’t remember all the verses, and he wondered if reading the Bible was really worth it.
The father said, “See that waste basket? Take it out back and fill it with water.” It was made of wicker, so when the boy tried to fill it, the water ran right through the basket. He told his dad, “It won’t hold water.”
Then the father told the boy to look inside the wastebasket and see how clean it had become. He said, “That’s the way it is with God’s Word. When you read it and study it, it passes through your life. You won’t remember it all, but it will cleanse your life.”
People with purpose, goals and vision have no time for negativity. Instead they invest their energy in being creative and focusing on living in the positive!
Like I always say:
'Little faith gives you little results.
Medium faith gives you medium results.
Great faith gives you great results!'
if you only have the faith symbolized by a grain of mustard seed it will do amazing things in solving your problems."
Keep your mind free from negativity and worry.
Keep your heart free from hate.
Let go of unhealthy choices.
Clean up your own act before you take on someone else's.
Perhaps it's time for a soul detox.