I had the pleasure of meeting Scott Alexander, the author of one of my favorite motivational books: Rhino Success.
Scott says there are are two kinds of people in the world:
RHINOS -- 2 tons of mass with 6" thick skin, charging through life, MAKING IT HAPPEN and
COWS -- laying in the pasture, chewing grass, waiting to be slaughtered.
Rhino Success was written for someone like me, a motivated 'country-bumpkin' with a short attention span. But this easy-read little book set my wheels (or hooves ) into action.
Scott encourages us to CHARGE forward. Like a Rhino! And if you mess up, don't just acknowledge your failures -- embrace them!
Don't let your mistakes define you. They're mean to refine you!
Accept constructive criticism, and be willing to be teachable.
Like I always say:
"When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears."
If you feel you aren't getting ahead, check your place in the jungle:
Are you laying around chewing tall grass, or preparing to CHARGE?
The choice is yours... CHARGE or CHEW!